Long Time No See

The last time I posted, I had just found out that I matched into one of the programs on my Rank Order List for a residency in pediatrics, accomplishing a goal I’ve had since I was 14.

It has been such a long time since then, and I haven’t written about it. After Match Day, there was so much to do, and it felt like we had no time. It all went by so quickly.

We immediately went on the hunt for a house. On one Saturday, we toured 19 properties, put in an offer, and bought our first home.

My brother got married with my Ladybug as the flower girl:

I finished my final med school rotation in the NICU, which I absolutely loved.

We had to find a new daycare and it completely broke my heart to leave the one we’d used since the Ladybug was 8 weeks old.


We took a family vacation to Key West, FL, Dry Tortugas National Park, and Savannah, GA.

We spent two weekends painting the house and moving in, with the help of the best family and friends.

Then the fun started. Mountains of paperwork and training and licensing and certifications before even starting orientation.

And now they call me Doctor. Paging Dr. Allie. It is real, and no longer a fantasy or far off in the future. It doesn’t feel like it at all. I’m currently on my second rotation, which means I have “survived” July of intern year, but not without rubbing one of the children’s hospital’s ladybugs for luck on my first day.

My Wolowitz Moment

If you haven’t yet seen the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory… I highly recommend it!

Of the four guy friends, all but one has a doctorate. Poor Howard Wolowitz only has a lowly Master’s degree in Engineering. Many jokes are made about his level of competence because of this, and I found myself in the same situation last Friday.

Haven’t seen it? Here is the link:

We were having our weekly meeting with our collaborators. I was the first to arrive to the conference room from my lab, along with the head PI from the other group.

He asked me where I got my PhD. To which I replied with a smile, “I have a Master’s degree!”

(To which the reply is… “Who doesn’t?”)

Oh, it was hilarious. Five of us in the room, and only me with my lowly Master’s degree.

“Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.” ~Anon

T-5 months until I start my doctorate! 😉 And I’m sure there will be plenty of moments for me to laugh at myself along the way!